A Living Willow Fedge A
Shortly after planting.
A Living Willow Fedge C Kit joined to Standard Tunnel Kit
Shortly after planting
A Living Willow Fedge C Kit joined to Standard Tunnel Kit
Showing early Spring growth
A Living Willow Fedge C Kit joined to Standard Tunnel Kit
Showing early Summer growth
Living Willow Fedge Kit
Showing new growth
Living Willow Dome Kit and Fedge A Kits
Shortly after planting
Living Willow Dome Kit and Fedge A Kits
Showing early Summer growth
A Living Willow Fedge Kit
Showing early Summer growth
Living Willow Fedge Kit
Showing full Summer Growth
Living Willow Fedge A Kit
In early Spring after planting a few months earlier
Fedge A Kits with Arch
In early Spring after planting a few months earlier
Close up detail of flattened Fedge top
In early Spring after planting a few months earlier
The same Fedge and Arch
Shown in late Spring 5 years after planting.
A mature Living Willow Fedge Kit A
Shown in winter several years after planting.
Close up of mature Fedge A Kit
Showing pressure grafting of the whips together.
A more ‘random’ Fedge . .
originally planted as a Fedge A , the top growth has been woven together at a higher level in subsequent years for a more random effect. Showing early Spring growth.