‘Dead’ Willow Bundle – mixed 3 ft to 5 ft lengths of Salix Viminalis “Bowles Hybrid”


Out of stock


Bundle of mixed 3 to 5 ft lengths of ‘Dead’ Willow :  (Salix Viminalis “Bowles Hybrid”) This willow is suitable for ‘rough’ weaving, say, around living structures, border edging etc. (it’s not a variety considered to be basket weaving quality) or, when freshly cut, for small living willow sculptures etc


This product will be sent freshly cut during the living willow season – early December to late February.  You can order dried willow bundles for collection only before then – see this part of our online shop.


Please let us know if you plan to plant the whips so that we can send you the freshest cut material. Bundles are approximately 8 inches in diameter at the base and generally contain (very roughly) two hundred rods.

(The first photograph shows the two halves of a whole bundle – it’s easier to wrap them that way !)


The final photograph shows the dried colour of this variety.


This item must be delivered by a carrier at a cost of £19.00 per order and cannot be sent by First Class post or EVRi.

Ref WK 106A   



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